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ДомПродуктыОбратные клапаныОбратный клапан с наклонным диском, 300 фунтов, WCB, 12 дюймов, RF-конец

Обратный клапан с наклонным диском, 300 фунтов, WCB, 12 дюймов, RF-конец

A tilting disc check valve offers a fast-closing solution. Tilting disc check valves provide a Split Body, Pressure Seal or Wafer option with a non-slam design.

Tilting disc check valves are designed for drinking water and other neutral liquids, and are typically installed in pumping applications to prevent backflow in the system. The tilting disc requires only a very low pressure to open.

The characteristic of this valve is “non-slamming”. The disc, with its shape, is maintained in the open position by the fluid flow, and its return to the closed position does not cause a sudden violent hit against the seat. Design can be to ASME B16.34 but, also, to EN 12516.

Стандарт проектирования: API 6D
Номинальные значения давления и температуры: ASME B16.34
Диапазон размеров: от 2 до 48 дюймов.
Диапазон давления: класс от 150 до 2500
Торцевые соединения: фланцевые RF, RTJ, стыковая сварка
Размеры фланцевого конца: ASME B16.5 (≤24 дюйма), ASME B16.47 серии A или B (>24 дюйма)
Размеры концов под стыковую сварку: ASME B16.25, лицевая сторона
Монтажные размеры: ASME B16.10.
Проверка и тестирование: API 598.
Материалы корпуса: WCB, CF8, CF3, CF3M, CF8M, A995 4A, 5A, 6A, C95800, INCONEL 625, INCONEL 825, MONEL, WC6, WC9.
Материалы отделки: 1#, 5#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 16#
Упаковочные материалы: графит, графит с инконельной проволокой.

The Tilting Disc Check Valves accomplish full flow opening by having the disc pivot or tilt in the flow media. The opening stroke range is much less than that of the conventional swing check valves, which reduces opening and closing time. It is critical to controlling flow reversal and reducing water hammer. The tilting disc check valve design offers the solution by allowing a fast closing, even in the case of little loss of flow.

Tilting disc check valves are designed to open and close faster than standard check valves. Rapid operation is required whenever critical components must be protected against backflow immediately. However, many other types of check valves are only able to close when the upstream flow is lost completely.

In systems where backflow can occur rapidly, such as pump systems in a high-pressure system, this can lead to major problems. In extreme cases, the resulting water hammer can disrupt entire piping and pump systems.

• Stability of low and pulsating flow

• A moderate drop in pressure

• Tight metal seat sealing

• Seat contacts occur only after the disc is seated and closed.


Because the disc of a tilting disc check valve is mounted at a 15-degree angle, it opens at a medium speed, beginning at 0.6 m/sec with a short response time. This prevents the disc from ‘hammering’ at low speeds and prevents wear on the stem, springs, and bearings. The self-centring seal provides an excellent seal at both high and low pressure differentials. In addition, the valves can be included with extra springs to increase the response speed if there is a high risk of rapid backflow.

The result is a stable check valve with a fast response time that requires minimal maintenance. This makes this valve suitable for any application requiring a quick response.